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Hi, I’m Sophie, and I teach Pilates. 

UPDATE: I now run Sophie’s Pilates remotely from Spain, and have a wonderful team that cover the group classes in Dulwich.

After practising Pilates for many years, I decided to train as a Pilates teacher. Once qualified, I gave up my work in management to teach, providing a personal service that is centred on caring for my clients’ individual needs.

When I teach, I base it on the fundamentals which I was taught by the Body Control Pilates Association, focusing on alignment and technique. I teach absolute beginners up to upper intermediate clients. Observing and correcting during the classes to ensure you practise Pilates effectively and safely.

As a Back4Good® practitioner practitioner I can liaise with your GP or consultant to facilitate your referral and plan the best programmer for you

Tennis player - Sophie's Pilates

I spent around 10 years ferrying my son (above) around to tennis clubs and tournaments, as he was a performance tennis player.

My partner is a tennis coach (below)

Tennis player partner - Sophie's Pilates

Understandably, I’ve become interested in working with tennis players. I can help you to improve your game performance, prevent you from injury and reduce stiffness and soreness post game. This then led me to wanting to work with golfers too, although I’m not a golfer myself! Like tennis players you have to master specific, technical strokes which put a lot of strain on your shoulder and hip joints, and of course your spine.

The main motivation for doing Pilates is that you want to stay functional and enjoying the activities that you like to do. Therefore, whether you play sport or not, I’d really encourage you to make Pilates part of your life, your body will thank you! and if you’re like me, and young at heart, it will allow your body to keep up with your heart!

Pilates is gentle on the body, so you won’t feel shattered after a session. Nor will you experience pain, which could well put you off your next workout. Also, pilates being a form of mindfulness, means it can really help lower your blood pressure, reduce anxiety and stress. I recommend making it part of your well-being routine.

Body Control Pilates Certified Teacher - Sophie's Pilates
Body Control Pilates Academy Member - Sophie's Pilates 2

I run my business for good, which means I donate a percentage of my profit to support charities. So, while you’re working out, you’re not only being kind to yourself, but you’ll also be supporting someone else.  In 2024 the charity we’ll be donating to is Angel Mums, who are raising money for Tessa Jowell Centres of Excellence for Children. Brain Cancer is the biggest killer of children in the UK. It is their aim to transform current research, treatment and care so that every child diagnosed with a brain tumour will have access to world-class treatment and care at a local NHS Hospital.

My story

I’ve always done fitness, and love to move. 

In my prime I was physically fit. Then things changed. I completed the Three Peak Challenge and injured my right hip joint. I went through a divorce and my work became very busy. I had to stop doing all the fitness activities I loved because of all my commitments. Gradually, I became less fit, muscles wasted and complications started to surface in relation to my hip joint.

My hip and back started to totally lock up, which was extremely painful. I felt like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz. I went to the GP, then specialists, I had all the tests and injections… but nothing reached the root of the problem. I needed a long term solution that didn’t involve drugs, or oil. 

But at the same time as desperately wanting my pain to go away, I was suffering from depression. There were things that I hadn’t been dealing with.  Buried deep down.  I was carrying them around with me like a heavy black bin liner of crap.  

I turned to a local Pilates class. My hip & back began to unlock and I could finally sleep again.  What a relief!

But there was something else I wasn’t expecting. It was how Pilates helped me mentally. For the first time, I stopped feeling like as if some big bloke had his heavy boot on my chest.  I could breathe. I wasn’t worrying about stuff during the class.  I had a sense of freedom and lightness.  I was so busy focusing on every movement, that I had no space in my head for anything else.

I went back for my second class, and felt even better. And I kept going. And now, years later, I’m still doing it.

And my current story? I am fulfilling a childhood dream which is to experience living abroad. I have set up this successful business in Dulwich, which I continue to manage remotely, ensuring all my clients continue to enjoy their sessions and maintain their community. Whilst I experience Pego, Spain. I’m spending the year refurbishing an apartment, but also building my online business Pilatestar, so I can reach even more people like you!

E: [email protected]

M: 07799 358 771